HI AND WELCOME TO THE MOODLAB! I like kids in the age between 4-6 years old. Why? Because they're curious. They will ask you tons of questions. They love to play and explore and are highly creative. Innate 'Appetite for life'! CREATIVITY? According to professor Paul Iske, creativity is being able to have a multi-paradigmatic view; i.e. 'being able to see different perspectives'. This is how you get creative ideas. The trick is to integrate all these ideas (Provocative Operation) and generate new patterns. We can increase the number of new patterns by asking questions. Not just any question but questions like: ~ What would happen if...? ~ Suppose if... ~ Why is it that...? These kind of questions will trigger your brain and allow you to absorb new patterns. 'Lateral thinking, the making of new combinations, will too. A good way to do this is via humor. THE BENEFITS OF ENHANCED CREATIVITY ARE: ~ Creative activities will yield significant cognisant gains; creativity makes you smarter! ~ Creativity also makes you more flexible, and therefor ... lessss prone to stressss ... ~ Being able to think creatively is placing yourself in option-mode. It creates space. A global study by Adobe showed that 80% of those were surveyed said that creativity is important to economic growth. Just a few evidence based facts. NOW THE THINGS IS... The older we get, the less questions we pose & less we laugh, the more prone we are to what Professor Iske refferres to as: 'terminal seriousness' Terminal... As in 'no turning back..? He demonstrates in this graph: WHY IS THIS DROP TO "TERMINAL SERIOUSNESS" TO BE TAKEN SERIOUS? * it's a drop in quality of life: * less laughter... less good for your health * less questions = less new experiences = more grey in your life * being less creative = being less adaptive to change * not open for new things = less flexibility of mind If you want to create value, you have to be creative. Think about the costs and state of society.. Plus: in this rapidly changing world we HAVE to be creative. 'Terminal seriousness'. What a phenomenan... YOUR ANTIDOTE? * laugh * ask lots of questions YOU ARE BORN A CREATIVE HUMAN BEING. You don't have to wait for creativity to appear, it's a natural part of who you are. Yet it ís through deliberate practice, you can enhance your creative thinking. Creativity has always been important for human evolution yet today creativity has never been more important. We can't wait for the creativity muse to give you the breakthroughs. "We have to be 'deliberate creative' to accelerate what nature has given us". says Gerard Puccio at TEDxGramercy So don't be to serious, laugh! Ask questions! Play! Do! Let your hair down and get creative! And if you're not sure how to shake the condition of 'terminal seriousness' and train your creative mind? Come have fun and join me for a Moodwalk! It'll make you question and give you new, fresh perspectives and raise your 'Appetite for life'. Or you could watch the video below... MnahMnah! Niene.nu ![]() You may absolutely share this article with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy! The Appetite for light article is written by Niene.nu and www.nienesmoodlab.nu If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: mail[@]niene.nu If you'd like to see more moods: feel free to take a look around in the MoodLab while you're here. See if Niene.nu can help you raise your 'Appetite for life"; Subscribe to the Moodlab e-zine
January 2014
CATEGORIESAll Aloe Blacc Amanda Gore 'Appetite For Life'! Aretha Franklin Art Being Present In The Now Building Change Coal Mine Creativity Dr. Feelgood Evidence Based Art Feeling Good Forum Groningen Grounding Healing Healing Environments I Need A Dollar Irreplaceable I Wanna Be Like You Jungle Book Lady Soul Laugh Lee Dorsey Left Brain Lynn Marino Maya Angelou Mel Torme Mnahmnah Moodlab Moodwalk Out Of The Picture Perspective Phantom Questions Reframe Right Brain Terminal Seriousness The Frank Cunimondo Trio The Robbins Unique Working In The Coal Mine |
ABOUT THE MOODLAB:![]() The MoodLab is a photo mood creating lab by Niene.nu,
a Fine Art Photographer from Groningen the Netherlands. Read more about her here The Moodlab is her space to experiment with beauty / creativity / art / inspiration / projects / concepts & moods through photography so you can thrive. Visit the lab here |
CONTACT: +31 6 186 823 95
mail [@] niene.nu Niene's MoodLab Rijskampenstraat 16 9717LN Groningen The Netherlands KvK 01150360 BTW NL138987932B01 Bank NL 23 KNAB 0725 7200 26 |
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All rights reserved to Niene's Moodlab This liscence goes for all the photo's and other contents of this website. Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved to Niene's Moodlab For more information, please contact: mail [@] niene.nu |

Work of Niene's MoodLab is in licence according to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatves 3.0 Unported licence.